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40 Days of Deliverance

It is with great pleasure to invite you to embark on this challenge that will help you as a person. This 40 days challenge will provide an opportunity for you to reflect, reset, and restore your life.


We focus on three key areas of our being: our soul, body, and spirit.


You will be provided with a proven framework, strategies of discipline and obedience to help build structure and guidance during this journey. You will have an accountability partner and the entire GROUP to support you during these next 40 days. This group will be a beacon of hope, fellowship, and support during your journey. Your sharing and encouragement will fuel the discussions on our WhatsApp group, where constant communication will take place. 


You will have the opportunity to journal what you are learning about your new daily habits. This will help you to keep seeking the Lord and asking Him for guidance as to the mission, vision, and goals that HE has in store for you.


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All of us have been given gifts from above; it’s now a matter of how we use our gifts in this world to give Him glory each day.  This 40 Days of Deliverance program will give you the skills and discipline to unlock all that God has in store for you! 


If you're ready to unlock all that the Lord has for your soul, body and spirit; click on the

Join Now button and get started today in this powerful community.

Join the next
40 Days of Deliverance

Success Stories

"I didn't realize how it would be such a life-changing experience for so many as myself and for my accountability partner."



Chas Allen

"It is a difficult journey that asks you to give of yourself, step out of your comfort zone, develop discipline, and refocus your life on the Lord."


Chris Fabish

"It helped me understand my ‘Walk with God’ how to ‘Pray with Purpose’ and how to be intentional, and the importance of being relentless in all aspects of life."

Kevin Rose

"At the end... I knew could do all things in life with Christ being my
number one supporter, my body and soul were filled with love and compassion for other’s,
and I met incredible friends."

Callie Janor

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